Exchanges, Returns & Refunds
If you purchased your product from a retailer, we invite you to contact them to learn about their exchange and refund policies. We cannot exchange or return products purchased from one of our retailers.
If you purchased your product in-store, we invite you to return directly to the store to proceed with an exchange or receive store credit, as refunds are not available. Returns are accepted within 14 days.
For orders placed on our website, please follow the procedure outlined below.
For the United States and the rest of the world (excluding mainland France, Belgium and Luxembourg):
If you have purchased a product on our site, you have 14 days from the date of delivery to make a return on our dedicated platform (the shipping cost is at your expense). We suggest you use UPS or DHL to have a track mail. We only accept returns, exchanges are available only for orders placed from mainland France and Belgium.
A returned product will only be accepted if it was purchased on our website and is in its original packaging. The return process may take some time (between 2 and 3 weeks). Each brush is checked by hand and each order is processed, allowing for a personalized return.
For mainland France, Belgium and Luxembourg
If you purchased your product on our website, you have 14 days from the delivery date to request a return or exchange through our dedicated platform. In mainland France and Belgium, return shipping is covered by us. In the case of an exchange, the shipping costs for the new delivery will not be charged to you!
A returned product will only be accepted if it was purchased on our site and is in its original packaging.
The return process may take some time (between 2 and 3 weeks). Each brush is checked by hand, and every order is processed to allow for a personalized return.
Once your return is approved, you will be notified by email, and you will receive your exchange or refund within 10 business days.
Track My Return, Exchange, Refund
Once your package is returned, it takes 2 to 3 weeks to process. You will receive an email notification once it is approved. Regarding the refund, the timeframe varies depending on banks; at most, you should receive it within 10 business days after receiving the email notification above.
Damaged Product
We invite you to contact us directly through our contact form by selecting the category "Questions about our products" and then "My product is damaged."