Hair has always held significance beyond mere aesthetics. It represents power, femininity, identity, and often serves as a sign of rebellion. Across ages and cultures, it has become a symbol of inner strength, personal expression, and spirituality. Hair: symbol of strength and power In many cultures, hair is seen as an extension of an individual’s strength.This is illustrated in various myths, such as the story of Samson in the Bible, whose legendary strength came from his uncut hair. However, when he is betrayed and Delilah, his companion, cuts his hair while he sleeps, he loses all his power. This shows...
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In this article by our astrologer Ornella Petit, discover what your zodiac sign says about you… and your hair! Each zodiac sign carries its own energy and unique characteristics. We all embody them to varying degrees, depending on the moment of our birth. The position of the Sun at the time of our birth, revealing our astrological sign, provides valuable insights into our vital essence, the lifeblood flowing through our veins and into the roots of our hair… Aries is instinctive, always seeking thrills. Active and determined, Aries likes things to move quickly, as boredom is hard to bear. They...
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In this article by our astrologer Ornella Petit, discover everything you’ve always wanted to know about the Full Moon, its significance, and… the influence it has on our hair!The Full Moon will take place on Friday, November 15, reaching its peak at exactly 10:28 PM. This cyclical phenomenon is known as a pivotal moment each month, symbolizing a time of harvest, a sense of accomplishment, reaching the end of a project or phase, and being filled with a feeling of completeness. This monthly "little death" serves as a farewell that, depending on the time of year, can feel like a...
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The full moon exerts a unique influence on our environment, impacting more than just tides or moods. According to certain beliefs, it also has a powerful effect on our hair! November 15, 2024, marks the next full moon, and it's the perfect time to refresh your ends and stimulate hair growth. Cutting hair during a full moon: myth or reality? Some beliefs hold that the moon’s energy impacts hair growth. During a full moon, these energies supposedly peak, accelerating growth. This idea partly stems from ancestral agricultural practices that used the moon as a guide for planting and harvesting.According to...
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Hair loss affects millions of men worldwide. Although often considered a natural part of aging, many factors can accelerate or intensify this process. Stress, genetics, hormones, and lifestyle all play a role in male baldness. In this article, discover the main reasons why men are more prone to hair loss than women and how to slow it down. Causes of hair loss Genetics: The primary cause of hair loss in men is genetic. Male pattern baldness, known as androgenetic alopecia, is linked to the presence of a hormone derived from testosterone: dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT gradually shrinks hair follicles, reducing hair...
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Seasonal changes directly affect the health of our hair, often leading to dryness, hair loss, and fragility. These temperature variations, combined with other factors like stress, pollution, or even diseases such as psoriasis or medical treatments, can exacerbate hair problems. The impact of seasonal changes on hair During seasonal changes and the onset of cold weather, hair is exposed to extreme conditions, making it more fragile. Several factors can contribute to hair loss:Cold: It dries out the surrounding air, depriving the hair of the moisture it needs. This leads to dry, dull, and more fragile hair. Additionally, the environmental stress...
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Brushing your hair, beyond being a simple beauty act, plays a vital role in personal well-being. This ritual not only helps care for your hair but also soothes your mind. By massaging your scalp with a boar bristle or nylon hairbrush, you promote relaxation, improve scalp health, and boost self-confidence. Hair Brushing: The Key to Well-being Hair brushing has numerous benefits. By stimulating the nerve endings on your scalp, this simple action boosts serotonin production, the well-being hormone, and provides a deep sense of calm. Additionally, brushing improves blood circulation, relieving muscle tension in the head and neck, contributing to...
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The scalp is a delicate and complex ecosystem, often exposed to various factors that can disrupt its balance: harsh hair products, conditions, chronic stress, pollution… All of these can cause real discomfort in a woman's daily life. That’s why La Bonne Brosse is committed to helping you find the hair care routine that best suits your needs. 1. How do I know if my scalp is healthy? A healthy scalp is recognized by the absence of redness, irritation, and itching. It should be well-hydrated, without excess oil, to maintain optimal balance. A good indicator of your scalp’s health is the...
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In summer, hair undergoes numerous aggressions such as sea salt, sun, and sand. Humidity and heat also play a role in the health of your hair and the beauty of your curls. Fortunately, by adopting the right habits, your hair can stay healthy. Discover how sea water can actually be your ally and the importance of brushing your hair at the beach. The benefits of sea water on curly hair Sea salt water is often criticized for the damage it can cause to hair. In spite of it being true, sea water also offers certain benefits. Confused by this contradiction?...
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Sunny beach days are synonymous with relaxation, fun, and often tangled hair ! The wind, sea salt, and sand can turn your hair into a real nightmare to untangle. Fortunately, there are effective solutions to keep your hair silky even at the beach. The Right Steps to Take at the Beach While swimming, hair tends to tangle very quickly. Our first reflex is to brush it to untangle, but it is necessary to take certain precautions before doing so. Rinse your hair with clear water After a swim in the sea, salt deposits on your hair, making it more fragile...
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Let's talk about our hair! Check out "Décoiffures" podcast sponsored by La Bonne Brosse. Hair problems, self-image, boar bristle hair brushes... Take a deep dive into the subject with Judith Sibony, journalist, theater critic and director. Discover Décoiffures episodes on your favorite platform! I don't like my hair! Who hasn't uttered that phrase at least once in their life? Too straight, too curly, too short, too dull... Our hair is often at the heart of many concerns. In Décoiffures podcast sponsored by La Bonne Brosse, Judith Sibony interviews celebrities about their relationship with their hair. Moving testimonies that remind us...
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Designed to style your hair, a round hair brush is a must-have. But you still need to choose the right one... Find out how to choose your round hair brush with La Bonne Brosse, the hair beauty expert. How to choose your round hair brush? In order to choose the right hair brush, it's important to consider 3 basic criteria:1. The shape of the hairbrushA blow-dry brush is often used with a hairdryer. We therefore recommend that you opt for a hair brush with a round shape in order to optimize heat diffusion. Whether you want to straighten your fringes...
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